
Thursday, December 28, 2006

You better be nice, not naughty 

Santa has a new tool to make sure you are being good - and it turns out he's running trials with the FBI.

File this under -- I bet you did not know this --

RCR Wireless news has an interesing piece on how "the FBI is using wiretap law to eavesdrop on conversations by remotely firing up microphones on idle cell phones of unwitting criminal suspects."

Turns out the control channel on your phone (used to send you network updates, etc.) can actually be used to turn on your phone and pick up conversations. Only by warrant of course.

Really..and it's not even April fools, this is true.

Relax, if you are doing something the FBI or other law enforcements agencies might have an interest in getting a warrant to learn more...turns out by taking out your battery they can't use your phone against you as it won't power-up. So when sitting in a cafe talking trash, take off your battery, ALL the wiseguys are doing it.

Plus it turns out once they use your cell phone to eavesdrop, you have to turn off your cell phone to reboot before you can make a call...I hate when that happens....

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