
Sunday, December 17, 2006

Customer service - key to remember in stores and online. 

So I walk into Best Buy, and I am ready buy a computer for my son. It's the week before Xmas, I promised my wife I would take care of it before Xmas, so I am walking out with one.

I'm in Best Buy anyway dropping off 1 of the computers in the office to see if they can fix it. We buy about 5 laptops and 10 desktops and warranties and lots of support stuff in Best Buy each year for work and family.

Guess what, no one will help me.

The store is not busy. A few folks offer to find someone, there are as many computer folks stocking the shelves rather than help me.

So, I wait about 15 minutes. Then f-them.

I go back to the office, log onto dell.com. Drop 1000 bucks, place an order. Heck, there's hope for the Internet!

No when I tell my brother, the story, he says you know we have a corporate account at Dell and get a nice discount, so you left 30% or so on the table.

So I am of course aggravated in his management style not telling me all the options as he knew I was going to Best Buy :).

So here it is Sunday morning. Dell sends me a comfirmation telling me the delivery date is Dec 25.


Not only did I spend more than I had too, my wife is going to kill me unless I call Dell and pay $70.00 more to overnight the computer so I get it before X-Mas.

I call Dell, and guess what. The first thing out of the rep's mouth is....We will overnight it to you free of charge, and I will make a request that the computer is shipped before the 20th when we promised it.

So what do I do...I write this blog which is akin to being an ADVOCATE for Dell. An advocate is the kind of customer you want!

Lesson re-learned about the power of customer service.

Let's hope I actually get computer on time! But feeling good about Dell today!

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