
Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Local Mobile Search 

Russell Buckley who contributes to the Mobhappy blog said something we agree with: "Most people know the area they live and work in and the idea of getting your phone to find the nearest ATM or pizza restaurant is not something they need most of the time.”

He's right. We oftern say the mobile search universe is very sophmoric at this point.

What we do at Smarter Agent is add true value to people that want mobile search.

We call this bringing the “Steven Spielberg effect" to mobile. IE, the search has to be crafted by someone that creates a compelling story someone would pay for. So you have to be an expert or have expert content to make the search interesting. Do not tell us things we already know -- as Russell aludes to.

You can see - if you try Smarter Agent - that we are beginning to address some of these high value searches in a way no local search algorithm will be able to match in the next few years. If you are creating a local search platform, and especially when using GPS/LBS, you better be able to deliver “expert of expert” data about the spot where the user is standing! Not a bunch of skim the surface, boring data base entries.

That is one of the problems with mobile content today. There are a lot of one dimesional games and applications, a user tries once and says, this is no big deal - and does not come back. Smarter Agent creates compelling and multi-dimentional applicaitons that are updated - at least - daily! They contain expert data.

We are pretty good at this because by chance of birth, we grew up in a family of architects, urban planners, real estate brokers and developers - and worked and studied in these fields as a right of passage. These are the professions that have been asked to describe and interface and decide what is relevant about a location for 1000’s of years. Take that and mix it with mobile GPS/LBS technology and you do indeed have some game changing local search (we think).

That’s why we have received 3 patents in the mobile LBS space as far as searching and advertising and conducting commerce within real estate and built environment. Which is in essence - local search - with a narrow focus growing outward – the opposite of trying to be a generic mobile search platform.

Plus our killer attibute is that your grandmom can understand and use it!

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