
Sunday, February 27, 2005

Smarter Agent's Wendys Connection 

So here's a good one.

Every Sunday, I read our customer call-out reports.

Many times people register but never log-in, which usually means they did not check their email for their password or the password got blocked by an AOL filter or something. We call these clients, and pick up several new clients each week this way, who are usually surprised and appreciate we took the time to notice and call.

These reports have notes next to the calls so they can be followed up on Monday.

The best one that caught my eye today, was from our staff member Dave Thomas.

As you may have recognized, our Dave Thomas shares the name with the founder of Wendy's fast food.

That Dave Thomas was featured in all Wendy's TV ads before he passed away.

Our Dave just happened to call this client while she was literally at the drive thru of Wendy's!

"Hi, this is Dave Thomas, can I help you".

She probably wondered how the drive-thru person got her cell phone number!

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