
Sunday, February 27, 2005

Smarter Agent's Wendys Connection 

So here's a good one.

Every Sunday, I read our customer call-out reports.

Many times people register but never log-in, which usually means they did not check their email for their password or the password got blocked by an AOL filter or something. We call these clients, and pick up several new clients each week this way, who are usually surprised and appreciate we took the time to notice and call.

These reports have notes next to the calls so they can be followed up on Monday.

The best one that caught my eye today, was from our staff member Dave Thomas.

As you may have recognized, our Dave Thomas shares the name with the founder of Wendy's fast food.

That Dave Thomas was featured in all Wendy's TV ads before he passed away.

Our Dave just happened to call this client while she was literally at the drive thru of Wendy's!

"Hi, this is Dave Thomas, can I help you".

She probably wondered how the drive-thru person got her cell phone number!

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Best Wireless Application 

This week we learned we are a finalist in the NavTeq Global LBS Challenge. We submitted our wireless "GPS" real estate app that let's you learn about homes and real estate.

This means Smarter Agent is now considered one of the 3 best wireless location based serivces in the world as far as LBS commerce/advertising/buying.

A rather big deal on the world stage as we are now acknowledged leaders (see judge list) bringing this emerging medium to consumers.

From the release: Come meet the winners of the NAVTEQ Global LBS Challenge at CTIA WIRELESS 2005. NAVTEQ will award the winners of the Global LBS Challenge, a contest that invited application developers to build location-based services solutions for cell phones or wireless handheld devices. NAVTEQ, along with ESRI, Microsoft Corp., SiRF Technology, Inc. and Telcontar, is sponsoring the Global Wireless LBS Challenge. Application developers from around the world have submitted their LBS solutions, powered by NAVTEQ™ maps, to be reviewed and judged by leading industry experts including wireless carriers, device manufacturers and other key players in the value chain. In recognition of the rapidly expanding use of location-based information, separate solution categories will be identified and judged independently.

The official judges are from the following companies. GPS World, HP, MapQuest, Microsoft, Motorola, NEXTEL, SK Telecom, Sprint PCS, Verizon Wireless, XM Satellite Radio, US Cellular.

PS: WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Center City Philadelphia High-End Bubble? 

Today, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said he sees a housing price bubble in "certain areas" and suspects prices are vulnerable to declines, but they will not collapse in any way that threatens the economy.

The Smarter Agent take, Center City Philadelphia: While we have not done any quantitative research, (a good job for our 2005 summer MBA interns), the Smarter Agent call is that the high end, 1-2 bedroom, over $400,000 market in Philadelphia is going to be a lousy investment (this is a Smarter Agent call not the Fed :) - for both the developer that has excess inventory and the buyer. Of the myriad projects under construction now in Center City Philadelphia in Feb 05 -- only those with the largest square footage, with the best locations and design have a chance for appreciation for their buyers. At some point within the next 36 months this market will see a 20% valuation decline. This is a gut call, open to criticism by agents and developers. If you want to pay these prices do so because you need a place to live not because you think thee is upside investment potential. Take it with skepticism any agent that does not give you some degree of caution and hypes the investment potential of these overpriced small studio, 1-2 bedroom condos in "up and coming" areas.

The Fed Chairman goes on to say....
"I think we're running into certain problems in certain localized areas. We do have characteristics of bubbles in certain areas, but not, as best I can judge, nationwide," he told the House Financial Services Committee. "I don't expect that we will run into anything resembling a collapsing bubble. I do believe that it is conceivable we will get some reduction in overall prices, as we've had in the past, but that is not a particular problem."

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Wireless House 

Smarter Agent will be a sponsor of CTIA's "Wireless House". The Wireless House is a 7500 square foot exhibit showcasing state-of-the-art products that can be used in the home.

CTIA (Celluar Technology Industry Assocation) hosts the largest convention of all things wireless each year www.ctia.org. This year it's in New Orleans March 13-16.

We will be located in the front yard (where else) and showcase our soon to be launced wireless location-aware searches.

From our promotional material:

Whether you are searching for a new home, or just want to know what the neighbors paid for theirs.... you can use Smarter Agent to become a real estate expert overnight.

Here’s how it works.

First, download Smarter Agent to your cell phone - from your wireless carrier. Just like a ring tone or game. It’s that simple.

Then anytime you click on Smarter Agent, the application acquires your location and instantly returns data about homes and real estate around you!

Smarter Agent uses new location-technology, already built into your cell phone.

It’s so revolutionary - it’s patented!

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